That was June 28th. Also, take precautions during intercourse because that is how he will trap you for marriage. 3. I feel horrible as a women stating the obvious that this is very conveint for her to be pregnant by a US Service member who can get her out of her small town. Anyways my problem is that shes always saying shes pregnant and weve been having weird miscarriages and stuff or she doesnt want closeness n or cuddling with her and so Im wondering if they could be a red flag or something? But then she remembers he did, and the cycle in her mind continues. There is NO EXCUSE for oops I forgot my pill because you can double up on pills the next day, or take plan B. He said when he asked her about being on the pill she said she was taking some antibiotics and it made it less effective. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. We ended things there. Anxiety Worksheets, Books, and Recordings by Ann Silvers, 7 Diet Tips for Mental Health and Wellbeing, 101 Emotion Words List: Expand Your Emotion Vocabulary, Depression in Men: It Happens More Than You Think. Hopefully, you feel somewhat lighter. Plus she got her Doctors to give her all the pain pill prescriptions they could write. It sucks to read all these comments. I spend every day 13 years later thinking I messed up badly. Sounds like your guy used the same tactic sometimes used by women: sabotaging birth control while making the partner feel secure that precautions are being taken. She said to go there after an hour to meet her. That way she would already be getting used to me not being around. The weekend passes and 15 days after sex she goes to planned parenthood and they tell her (I was told from her that the doctors said) shes 5 weeks pregnant and it has a heart beat. In fact when I told him I was pregnant I said I am telling you because you deserve to know. I tried walking away but ended up acknowledging her presence just so she would go away. Very well said Switch and great advice youd give to your son! Finally after 18 years I kicked her ass out. 25 Signs He Wants to Get You Pregnant #1 He gets very excited around babies and children. (It would hurt) but I told him I was fine if he wanted to leave. The doctor prescribed her some abortive pills and she took them. I too have seen that military guys can become a particularly vulnerable target for manipulative women. 20 minutes after they left that bar thats when I got the video calls which I only saw in the morning( June 18th). I have a feeling that many women just want kids for the sake of it, like its a pet. 1. In the day-to-day moments, she questions herself because he acts like she's imagining all the stuff she's experiencing. Maybe he was too violent with you, a drug addict, possessive or you had no feelings towards him and you tried to face him and had a break up which later you resolved. As funny as this sounds it is a real sign that he wants to trap you with pregnancy. You may think you are being honorable by being there for her, but clearly there is a lack of honesty in that you are secretly playing with another mans finance. No matter what you want, he'll do what you say. Just remember you reap what you sow. Well they got divorced and he abandoned me, she has neglected me all my life and now I am extremely unhappy and feel lost in this world. The hormones in the pills make some women feel sick (though this is usually evident when a woman starts taking the pills, not usually something that suddenly happens later). #8. In my blog, I have mentioned several signs that he wants to trap you with pregnancy. She never did. She called me 12 at midnight and showed up drunk, more drunk than Ive ever seen her before. She apologized profusely several times which I thought was strange but decided to focus on the matter at hand and how to handle it. Like, Ha Ha Bitch, youre stuck now! Ive responded to the email address you provided. So I said alright then I will drop out of Uni and quit my scholarship and go back to my home country. After breaking it off Ive seen her twice while going out with different women. So a woman that is 5 weeks pregnant is actually only 2 weeks pregnant. I even told him I remember being 18 and thinking about men who would make suitable fathers and husbands and things girls who I knew have done. If she suddenly isnt pregnant anymorethe pregnancy might have been a trap.A miscarriage may be a cover story for a pregnancy that never was. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". They even went over it during his training to be careful and watch out. Actually, when you do, make sure you post the entire story of what you did to him so everyone can burn you with serves you right. I wasnt dumb enough to marry her. I feel like she was the bad influence. I felt horrible, it was not only a traumatic experience everyday but being in a different country so far away from her without any possibility to help, it really affected my mental health and my general life at that moment. You have tried to break up with him before, Signs he wants to trap you with pregnancy. At the time we were deeply in love with each other. You have heard of stories of home violence where a man flogs his girlfriend for talking to other guys. I stuck with it and put up with shit for 18 years. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". #1. There are many potential pregnancy benefits that might motivate a woman to get pregnant accidentally-on-purpose. Because he understands that you need your space and your downtime, it's a huge sign that he wants you in his future. It sounds like you meant well and she took advantage of your positive qualities. This is a form of isolative abuse. You should always be cautious on such days to avoid regretting it in the future. They want someone who is damaged, because they're more likely to go along with their lies and deceit because they're probably more scared of the relationship failing. In the book, I talk about what to do when you are inside a relationship with an abusive woman and many other topics that I think you will find helpful. Side note, while we were in the middle of it. So she aborted (without my knowledge of her final decision which I had already told her I did not want). Let her go. So if she is 5 weeks pregnant, she got pregnant one week before yall hooked upbut honestly at that early of gestation it would be pretty easy for them to be off one weekso id be nice and cordial to this woman, and ask for a dna test when the baby is born. ", Hi Sucker (I dont like using that name for you, but you picked it so I need to go with it no doubt, its how you feel.). To take advice from people who are not bias on hers or his side . In contrast, men wouldn't bother or couldn't care less. 19. I was convinced this girl was different but I guess I was wrong. 3. Many a man has been snared by an announcement that a woman is pregnant with his child. A woman who has decided on her own that having your baby has some payoff for her and that that payoff trumps your desire to not have children right now is ripe for becoming your baby momma whether youre up for it or not. He wants to do the honorable thing. PLEASE HELP?!!? As a kid woman were to be treated as soft fuzzy things, but it turned out they are like the movie, Furrbies where they turn after dark. We tried to tell him and explain to him girls do not meet a guy, have unprotected sexon day 1 . Trapping a man with a pregnancy and other forms of taking his reproductive rights away is partner sexual abuse. He enjoys interacting with babies and children. I have always believed this happened to me. Choosing a family planning method that your body responds positively to is a good decision. Is there any chance this couldve been faked? He behaves in a friendly manner to or in front of others, but seem different when no one else is around. For more help on how to deal with her, I suggest that you read my book which covers a wide range of circumstances: Abuse of Men By Women, It Happens, It Hurts, And Its Time to Get Real About It. Read on for 21 signs your man is still in love with his ex who is also his baby mama. My previous ex left me, got pregnant with another guy then left and pulled me into the middle and told me I am the father and wanted me to pay half. Is there anything a man can do to fight a trapped pregnancy besides not having anything to do with it? I did everything I could think of to provide, protect, pastor, love over the years up to and including marriage counseling spending thousands, but she never engaged in any of it. It sure looks like the womans story fits as a fake pregnancy trap: (1) announcing she was pregnant after the break-up (2) the dates not adding up (3) the miscarriage. Theres no point in trying to get her to admit it. A polygraph doesnt sound helpful. 4. Please help! Anyway, she denied cheating of course, said they were friends she made and she enjoyed socializing, couldnt be sorry for that and claimed she had nothing to gain from lying about pregnancy. It sounds like he will need you. First of all, this is a highly spoiled and over indulged way of behaving. Your opinion will be appreciated. What are the signs someone is faking a pregnancy? The next evening she called me on a video call send I asked her what the doctor treated her with to which she started laughing and said shes pregnant. A friend of mine almost got trapped by a dude she . He tries to avoid birth control, He seems nervous when you talk about birth control He often initiates sex when you are sleepy or otherwise preoccupied He talks about children or pregnancy frequently If you notice these strategies or a pattern of incomplete follow-through, start watching to see if there's a lot of word play going on or if you feel he's being secretive. He never forgets important dates or events in your life. She could run away with your kid when she gets out into the world and meets someone else. you can opt for family planning methods that will make you be secured during this period. He will start showing you photos of cute babies or making you aware that his friend is pregnant. He insists on calling the shots and deciding how and when communication. Even hitting on me and writing me texts which I never responded to only to have her ask me to delete later on. 2. Believing God to work a miracle in her heart and confess (and out of fear He may squish my soul if I divorced) I stayed with her and we now have two more children (a girl and two boys). This may be his job, success, money, or romance. We do the tests and she is 2 weeks pregnant. Sean: Thanks for sharing your story. She has something to gain from being your baby momma. Fifteensigns my ex is fighting her feelings for me, 8 signs your ex GF is miserable without you, GDPR and Cookies - Disclaimers - Affiliate Disclaimer - Terms and Conditions - Privacy Policy. Wow yea lot of women evil and heartless out there I came across one well I guess I was young n dumb and was learning lesson I was 21 she was 31 first red flag she said she was pregnant and was threatening me bout child support so I jus stopped speaking to her 4 days later she crying leaving me messages even comes to my house saying she had misscarrige smh was definitely no misscarrige she came to my house the same day she supposedly had miscarriage what woman in right mind state after jus miscarrying a baby would u drive 3 hours cuz at the time we were kinda like jus split up she moved back home smh she asked me why dont I want a baby I said Im 21 to young no career job smh she told me she wanted baby by me because I would be so cute I have nice eyes and hair lol some women out there are crazy but that there told me try trap me smh. A bright light in your story is that it sounds like the kids saw reality and you have a strong relationship with them. Of course, not every pregnancy that has some benefit to the mother, such as fulfilling her dream to be a mom, was conceived in a devious way. Eventually, the lie is going to catch up with her. Here's Everything You Need To Know About The Term (And If It Might Be Happening To You). They have spent about 10 days together and have only known each other other for 7 weeks. It sounds like youve been through a lot, but luckily discovered the truth and have been able to get away from the manipulator and go on to have happiness in a healthy relationship. So 15 days after sex with me, shes now 5weeks and absolutely 100% positive its mine. One time she even told me well meet after work but she never got in touch. So I proceeded that way, not suspecting that she could be lying. I never was shown a positive one and she did the supposed doctor visits herself without me. I know a woman who accidentally got pregnant 3 times, trying to trap 3 different men. Trust me this is the main alarming sign he wants to trap you with pregnancy. because I guess of how he is feeling about me telling him she did it on purpose that he tried to tell me i got pregnant on purpose Because I am more experienced with Motherhood and older then him, that I should have know better. How can you tell whether an accidental pregnancy is a trap or legit? More back and forth reveals that her doctors tests indicate that she is 7 weeks pregnant, 60,000 hcg, which would put fertilization at +/- 2 days of when we slept together. If youve found the perfect woman in a surprisingly short period of time, find out whether she just lost a relationship that was paying all of her bills for her. 24) He respects your boundaries. Their inconsistent behavior creates a silent uncertainty in the partner's mind, causing the partner to stay put and try harder to make things work, and that is exactly what toxic men rely on. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Later on she said she was at work and couldnt answer. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Mostly the symptoms from her very poor lifestyle. If you are being tricked into fatherhood, chances are you are vulnerable to other ways women abuse men,you need my books: Or for a summary of the larger book that is linked above: Previous Post There have been alot of things said and emotions are super crazy in this house. For those reading this, if you are having suicidal thoughts: call 988 (The Suicide Prevention Helpline). Baby or no baby , I dont understand how a woman would force a relationship with someone they know doesnt want to be with them whos also barely attracted to them. Now looking back that was actually the smarter decision. When he pays you a conjugal visit, he brings up excuses of forgetting to carry a long condom or he says he is going to pull out. I put up with her crap because I know how fathers are treated in our sorry ass court system. He said things like " women should serve their man" so any woman who had his child would be his property in his mind. I was not trying to tie him down. First If you arent married to her dont marry her. I bailed. I eventually hung up and blocked her on all social media except instagram. She drank and smoked herself to death. Hopefully it will help someone else. He discourages you from using birth control pills, 7. I strongly suspect my mother got pregnant with me to trap my dad so that she would have a better life as the wife of a policeman in another European country (think of the blonde woman in A Officer and a Gentleman). I dont want to hear about his cheating. Because there's nothing funny about getting pregnant if your partner decides to just put it in you when you've expressed your boundaries. Women get trapped by these guys because the ;over-empathize with them, ;never expecting that a guy's victim story may have been invented in order to pull her in emotionally. They hold a conversation longer than is necessary A baby mama and baby daddy relationship is supposed to involve communication and activities surrounding the children they have together. He wants to be your hero. Trap Red Flag #6. If you're in a relationship with a man, it's important to be aware of the signs that he may be trying to trap you with pregnancy. And a horrible mother. there was no declaration from either of us we didnt want any kids right now. If the man gets over-possessive, stops using protection measures during intercourse, discusses funny topics on baby fever, jumps to marriage topics, discourages you from birth control pills, you have ever broken up before then he would trap you with pregnancy. Disgusting! I hope that you can find your way to a happy life. I even took care of her for the sake of the kids. Now hes hers. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. This goes especially for when you outrank him earnings wise, looks wise, status wise etc. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. You are right. She has a conveniently timed miscarriage. My question is, if a girl would do this for attention or to trap a manwhy ignore him and push him away? The following day I called her. I said I was only checking up on her. A good indication that he is ready to have a kid is if he makes eye contact with other people's kids, and tries to make them laugh or smile. Many deny it when I say that women trap men into pregnancy, but I have seen it too many times with my own eyes. 8. But then when you're alone, his demeanor changes dramatically for the worse. Some signs he's trying to get you pregnant are: He talks about babies frequently He tries to forego birth control, like condoms He often initiates sex when you are sleepy or otherwise preoccupied He keeps trying to coax you to have unprotected sex in the heat of the moment He insists on getting condoms all the time Please note: comments must be approved before they are published. My ex told me she wanted to have my kids after we were seeing each other for a week. Cara you are a piece of garbage. I will ask you one question about this. He always puts you first, no matter what. Thanks, and any other advice you are willing to share will be appreciated immensely. In response to Dustin Delfs: He is up to something fishy. For fuller disclaimer see the Policies page. If she says she went off of her birth control for a reason other than getting pregnant and she suddenly got pregnantthe pregnancy might be a trap. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. You should never assume when such excuses come up if you are not ready to settle with him. I didnt love her and she had multiple issues I couldnt deal with anymore. Trap Red Flag #1. They've Become Very Excited For Friends With Baby News We all get excited for our friends when they have good news, but does your partner seem extra excited when your friends announce they are. It's a fantasy that sometimes turns to reality. After I caught her layering financial transactions (essentially stealing money from our family) I confronted her and she apologized. Its also possible she was pregnant and is not a very responsible person. Many women even feel unattractive and insecure about their bodies. From what Ive read, engaging and arguing with a narcissist is the worst choice to make. So she decides to take the decision away from you and make it happen. Math in my head seemed odd but again I trusted her. My brother had expressed to her that he didnt want a child, so they both agreed on terminating the pregnancy, but, behind his back she cancelled the appointment. He pressures . We've been conditioned to anticipate that relationships change and grow, so we expect that every relationship can. If he wanted to leave this may be a cover story for a week response to Dustin Delfs he! Besides not having anything to do with it and put up with shit for 18.. Days to avoid regretting it in the signs he wants to trap you with pregnancy motivate a woman is pregnant with his child gets... Be cautious on such days to avoid regretting it in the day-to-day moments, she questions herself because acts... 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