Water temperature sampling was performed at the deepest spot in the lake at variable times during the daylight hours. Arch. J. Plankton Res. Soc. a Schiller Park, IL (60176) warning46 F Mostly Cloudy. J.D.L., P.B.M., P.S., D.H., Stephanie E. Hampton, D.M.L., C.M.O., J.S.R. GLSEA Statistics, average surface water temps. The instruments provide a nominal pixel size of 1km2 at the centre of nadir and about 1.52.0km at the centre of the forward swath. These lakes had been sampled at least monthly during summer generally between 1985 until 2009 (Figure 2). George, D. G., Hewitt, D. P., Jennings, E., Allott, N. & McGinnity, P. The impact of changes in the weather on the surface temperatures of Windermere (UK) and Lough Feeagh (Ireland). When this routine was used, we made a notation in the log file describing if extrapolation was used for the beginning and/or end period and we included the equation of the curve (See Data Records). Data 13, 20522064 (2007). Water from Santeetlah Lake, 7.5 mi upstream, is diverted to hydro powerplant on the Little Tennessee River, which bypasses gage. Am. Colloq. Voutilainen, A. et al. The same year a volunteer fire department and community center were constructed. Funding and other support for this project were provided by Amt fr Abfall, Wasser, Energie und Luft (AWEL), Canton of Zurich, Switzerland; Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; Austrian Academy of Sciences; Bay of Plenty Regional Council; Belgian Science Policy; Bristol Bay salmon processors; Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District; Chinese Academy of Sciences; City of Seattle; City of Zurich Water Supply (WVZ); Comit intersyndical pour lassainissement du lac du Bourget (CISALB); Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Eaux du Lman (CIPEL), Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station; Environmental Agency of the Veneto Region; European Union Central Europe Programme (Project EULAKES, 2CE243P3; Garda); Belgian Federal Science PolicyBelgium; Estonian Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology; Estonian Ministry of Education and Research; Estonian Science Foundation; Finland's Environmental Authorities; Finland State Budget; Finnish International Development Agency; Fish and Wildlife Service Landscape Conservation Cooperative; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation; Government of Canada; Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction; International Commission for the Protection of Water between Italy and Switzerland (CIPAIS); Israeli Water Authority; Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries; Long Term Ecological Research Italian network Southern Alpine lakes; Marine Institute (Ireland); Max-Planck Society; Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, New Zealand; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Sciences and Engineering Research Council; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; National Park Service; National Science Foundation; Nebraska Game and Parks Commission; New York City Department of Environmental Protection; New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change; Russian Academy of Sciences; Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation; Seqwater; State of Florida; Swedish Environmental Protection Agency; Syndicat Mixte du Lac d'Annecy (SILA); United Kingdom Natural Environment Research Council, United States Department of Agriculture Hatch; United States Geological Survey; United States National Foundation Division of Environmental Biology (NSF DEB) Grant 1026843 to the Arctic Long Term Environmental Research Project; University of NebraskaLincoln; U.S. Geological Survey Center for Integrated Data Analytics, University of Washington; Vale Canada Limited (formerly Inco Limited), WVZ; Waikato Regional Council; West Coast Regional Council; Xstrata Nickel (formerly Falconbridge Ltd.) and York University. Clearwater, Hannah, Lohi, Middle, Sans Chambre, Swan and Whitepine Lakes are all located near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Profiles at each metre were taken frequently between 9:0011:00, but due to weather related challenges were sometimes taken later20. The lakes were sampled monthly at the deepest points. Sci. The air temperature data we obtained from NCEP represent version 2 of the NCEP reanalysis data65. Res. Temperature data were collected near the deepest part of the lake using a Hydrolab Quanta thermistor deployed by the Lake Biwa Environmental Research Institute. We extracted a single pixel for every site and every day from the manually selected coordinates over each lake that maximized the distance from any shoreline and any islands. Limnol. Theory, modeling and interalgorithm comparison. Thus, the influence of cloud cover on lake temperatures can be bidirectional and complex. years Current water temperature is 63F. This folder contains text files that explain any extrapolation performed as part of the summer mean calculations, including the parabolic equation used for the extrapolation, the time period covered, and the R2 fit to the data. Lakes as sentinels of climate change. 48, 14321438 (2003). The RMSE between satellite and in situ measurements for the 11 long-term summer mean lake surface temperatures was 1.15C. 00010 Temperature, water(Max.,Min.,Mean) 00045 Precipitation(Sum) 00060 Discharge(Max.,Min.,Mean) . Process. Measurements were made twice a month at 0.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80m, and bottom (approximately 9095m) (ref. Third, we compared trends from the in situ data for 19852009. Fish. Water temperature sampling was performed between 8:00 to 10:00, usually at 9:15. 48). We calculated summer mean temperatures for a 3-month period. earlier, These lakes were sampled monthly at an approximate depth of 0m from highly mixed water columns at the middle of the lake. Here, we present a database of 25-year (1985-2009) lake surface water temperatures from 291 lakes around the world, collected by either in situ, satellites, or both, and some of the main . Santeetlah Marina[23] is the only full-service marina on a lake that has 76 miles (122km) of shoreline. In 1957 he served as president of the National Association of Realtors. An independent assessment of pathfinder AVHRR sea surface temperature accuracy using the marine atmosphere emitted radiance interferometer (MAERI). Magnuson, J. J., Bowser, C. J. 2005 To calculate seasonal means for this study we used temporally interpolated values representing 13:30 local time for cloud amount (fractional cloud cover) from a 1 re-gridded version of this dataset71. Water temperatures were recorded from 9:00 to 14:00 with multiprobes such as Hydrolab used in the early years and YSI used in more recent years28. Menu. Water temperatures in the Lower Lake of Zurich, Upper Lake of Zurich and Lake of Walenstadt were measured from January 1985 to January 2001 using three different negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors; from February 2001July 2008 using an FLP-10 multisonde (DMP AG, Switzerland); and from August 2008 onwards using a Hydrolab DS5 multisonde (OTT Hydromet GmbH, Germany). In the earlier years, a thermometer assembled in a Ruttner water sampler was used, and following 2000, temperature was recorded using a thermistor40. Water temperatures were recorded between 10:00 and 12:00 depending on the sampling day using reversing thermometers connected to the bottle for water sampling36. Profiles in the IGB series were generally taken monthly, but were taken less often in the 1980s and then were taken biweekly during the summer after 1991. As described in section G above, we used interpolation to calculate daily temperatures within the summer window for each lake with in situ data. Can be crowded. & Keller, W. B. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 100.0 males. Data Rep, 2006). Oswald, C. J. 57, 1479 (2012). Lakes Inari and Kevojrvi are located in the northernmost Lapland Province. & Schiffer, R. A. The samples were obtained from a deep, mid-lake site. U.S. Route 129 passes just north of the town, leading southeast 6 . For Clearwater, Lohi, Middle, Hannah, Whitepine and Sans Chambre Lakes, sampling was generally conducted monthly during the ice-free season although in earlier years, sampling was more frequent. Hydrobiologia 731, 3148 (2014). for Lake Santeetlah, North Carolina A., Evans, R. H., Minnett, P. J. The sun does not contribute to the illumination of the sky before this time in the morning, or after this time in the evening. Kanamitsu, M. et al. 7, 776780 (2010). The average household size was 1.76 and the average family size was 2.12. From 19602004, a paper chart recorder with a mercury thermometer was used. Lake Constance is a large and deep lake bordering Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Suom. & Zimmerman, A. P. Empirical predictors of annual surface water temperature cycles in North American lakes. Geophys. Oceanogr. an The lodge was demolished in 2020. The SRB radiation data have been shown to be one of the best global radiation datasets and exhibit smaller biases than reanalysis data and other satellite products. Creekside Paradise Bed And Breakfast. The area known as "Santeetlah" along the Cheoah River was sparsely settled, and in any case, the river valley was flooded after Santeetlah Dam was completed in 1928. Lakes Kallavesi and Pielavesi are located in Northern Savonia, eastern Finland. & Walther, A. 2005620028) registered with the government of the Russian Federation and collected by many Irkutsk State University staff, now supported by Russian Ministry of Education and Science, research project GR 01201461929, National Science Foundation (DEB-1136637) supported additional data management. Am. Sala, O. E. et al. In the beginning of morning astronomical twilight and at the end of astronomical twilight in the evening, sky illumination is very faint, and might be undetectable. Glob. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. We gather the data about all the spots in the United States and gradually process it and update our maps. We computed a separate LOWESS fit for the temperature curve of each calendar year and at each inland water body. The sampling time for the ATSR series of instruments was approximately 10:30 pm local time. 31, L15504 (2004). An average temperature was only computed if at least 20 valid cloud-free satellite retrievals were available in a given 3-month period, to ensure that the observations adequately characterize the temperature curve. Meteorol. & Zvody, A. M. Toward the elimination of bias in satellite retrievals of sea surface temperature: 1. Phytoplankton community reorganization driven by eutrophication and warming in Lake Biwa. Santeetlah Lake and the Cheoah District of the Nantahala National Forest which surrounds it provide exceptional recreational opportunities. Hydrobiologia 731, 518 (2014). Sharma, S., Jackson, D. A., Minns, C. K. & Shuter, B. J. Meteorol. Water temperatures were recorded at a site 60m along the outflow draining straight out of the lake33. ISSN 2052-4463 (online). Whilst the town does get an average of 61 inches of rain a year, it also gets 204 sunny days on average. If sampling did not extend to or beyond the start and end dates of the interpolation period, we used a curve-fitting extrapolation routine (see below). information, Suggested citation: U.S. Geological Survey, 2023, National Water Information System data available on the World Wide Web, USGS Water Rsner, R., Mller-Navarra, D. C. & Zorita, E. Trend analysis of weekly temperatures and oxygen concentrations during summer stratification on Lake Plusee: A long-term study. R Development Core Team. Google Scholar. Lakes Vnern (Vanern), Mlaren (Malaren), Skrglen (Skargolen), Stensjn (Stensjon), Remmarsjn (Remmarsjon), Allgjuttern, Brunnsjn (Brunnsjon), vre Skrjn (Ovre Skarjon), Stora Envttern (Stora Envattern), Rotehogstjrnen (Rotehogstjarnen), Fiolen, St Skrsjn (St Skarsjon) and Fracksjn (Fracksjon), all located in Sweden were sampled monthly during the ice-free season, while Lakes Vttern (Vattern) and Erken, also in Sweden were sampled daily throughout the year. The sampling time for the AVHRR instruments varied roughly between 10 pm and 5 am local time at each site, with the majority of measurements made between 1 am and 4 am. 54, 22832297 (2009). Data for the Austrian lakes were extracted from the year books of the Austrian Hydrological Survey, Department IV/4Water cycle, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in For every 100 females, there were 97.1 males. Bull. Limnol. archived the database. Limnol. (2013). Freshwater ecosystems are vulnerable to the effects of global environmental change1. 13588 total waterbodies. Before 2003, a YSI 6000 probe was used58. The samples were obtained from the region with greatest water depth within each lake. Approximately a mile north of the town is Cheoah Point Recreation Area, which has developed swimming, camping, and picnicking facilities as well as a boat ramp. Manhattan, NY 48 F Mostly Cloudy. Water temperatures in Greifensee were measured by thermistor from 1985 to 2000 and with a YSI 6600 or YSI 6820 multisonde thereafter. Only lakes that exhibited at least a 1010km area of pure water surface without any islands or shorelines were selected, in order to make sure that there was no contamination by land surfaces. Page Contact Information: North Carolina Water Data Maintainer Feet MSL. St James's, England, United Kingdom 39 . Toolik Lake, a multibasin kettle lake in the Alaskan Arctic in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range, United States, is a major study site of the Arctic Long Term Ecological Research program (http://ecosystems.mbl.edu/ARC/dataprotocol/ArcticLTERIM.html). Copyright TWC Product and Technology LLC 2014, 2023. Assuming sampling for a given year preceded (or started on) the first interpolation date and extended past (or ended on) the last interpolation date, we used linear interpolation to create a daily value for all dates between the beginning and end of the interpolation period (inclusive). Santeetlah Reservoir is located on the Cheoah River in North Carolina, USA, in the state of South . Marullo, S., Buongiorno Nardelli, B., Guarracino, M. & Santoleri, R. Observing the Mediterranean Sea from space: 21 years of Pathfinder-AVHRR sea surface temperatures (1985 to 2005): re-analysis and validation. Wetzel, R. G. Limnology: Lake and River Ecosystems (Academic Press, 2001). Lake Taupo is centrally located on North Island, in the Taupo District, Waikato Region, New Zealand. Bi-weekly depth profiles were generated every meter, except immediately above the thermocline and in the metalimnion where 0.25m depth increments were used. In addition, data from automatic temperature loggers were available for Lake Erken44. Samal, N. R. et al. The dataset has a spatial resolution of 1 1 and temporal resolution of 3h. In addition to the SRB incoming shortwave radiation (SW) and longwave radiation (LW), we also provide estimates of the total incoming radiation (Rtot=0.93*SW+0.97*LW) that is absorbed by a dark, water surface under ice-free conditions (i.e., an assumed shortwave albedo of 7% and longwave emissivity of 0.97). Winds are out of the W at 3mph, with wind gusts of 10mph. A global database of lake surface temperatures collected by in situ and satellite methods from 19852009. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. hide [5], Because of its mountainous terrain, Graham County was one of the last sections of the eastern United States to be settled by Europeans. Please select the information that is incorrect. The Lower Lake of Zurich, the Upper Lake of Zurich, the Lake of Walenstadt and Greifensee are all located on the Swiss Plateau, immediately north of the Swiss Alps. report water Ocean 106, 91799197 (2001). 37, L22405 2010). Glob. Additionally, monthly grab samples were taken at 1m intervals at the dam wall site using a variety of handheld instruments and more recently using a YSI 6600v2. Annual Water Quality Monitoring Report 2010-11. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 Metadata associated with this Data Descriptor is available at http://www.nature.com/sdata/ and is released under the CC0 waiver to maximize reuse. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. [19] Although property sales and home construction did not completely ceasea builder could drill his own wellthe completion of the new water system in 1995 occurred simultaneously with a new round of construction. Meanwhile, temperatures warming to the 70s will combine with very dry air to produce . J. Climatol. 19, 104114 (2014). Both data entities are documented in the Ecological Metadata Language (EML) and are archived in the Long Term Ecological Research Network Information System and in the R package laketemps. April for a typical day ranges from a high of 68F (20C) to a low of 46F (8C).Some would describe it as moderately chilly with a gentle breeze.For comparison, the hottest month in . Vereinigung Limnol. "Graham County: A Quiet Place in the Smokies," undated pamphlet, Graham County Travel and Tourism, Robbinsville, NC. Assess. 50). ; and ii) Which climatic forcing variables and geomorphometric factors are most important in driving changes in water temperature, i.e., do similar lake types exhibit similar rates of warming or cooling globally? Water temperature sampling was conducted continuously (in situ paper or sensor record), but compiled daily at midnight. Centre 8, 191196 (2006). Click a station to view measurements of water temperature. Boreal Environ. Limnol. printer-friendly 45, 16391646 (2000). The water is clear and the temperature perfect for summer swimming. be. This technique provides a continuous temperature estimate and is robust against outliers in the observations helping to avoid sampling bias in the calculation of the 3-month mean. "Geographic Identifiers: 2010 Demographic Profile Data (G001): Lake Santeetlah town, North Carolina", "US Gazetteer files: 2010, 2000, and 1990", http://www.realtor.org/vlibrary.nsf/pages/president1957, http://www.pcahistory.org/findingaids/keyes.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lake_Santeetlah,_North_Carolina&oldid=1149773778, Articles with dead external links from April 2020, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2023, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 14 April 2023, at 10:14. Lake Stechlin (Stechlinsee) is located in the eastern part of Germanys South-Baltic lake region, approximately 75km north of Berlin. The lake, owned by Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners, was seized in 1928 for hydropower from the Cheoahs River.

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