Thank you for writing all the way from Mexico! If you want to give our office a call, they can let you know what is available. Changes the Ph. Our group project is 10 weeds commonly found in lawns and we are creating brochures to hand out to clients outlining how to deal with said weed- whether it's a summer or winter annual, perennial, biennial pre-and post emergent advise you get the idea. (S)-Methoprene can effectively stop the formation of midge pupae in the water (Ali 1991). Review the Freshwater Aquatic Midge Integrated Pest Management (FAM IPM) Plan for more information. If you are hiring landscape professionals to maintain your palms, you may want to ask that they only remove completely dead fronds and certainly not cut above the 9-3 horizon. Some species mate for life, others just for the season. Good morning Tony, Old Sutton Road address.) Hey! We have both Royal and coconut palms in our yard. You can learn more about them by watching our webinar recording: OR, by reading about them on Cornell University's Ornithology website: and Certainly properly maintained palms add to the beauty of Florida. Thanks for your comment, Mark. This year the vines are returning. However, science tells us that infection is exceedingly rare under normal circumstances and you only described having a teeny amount of water in your nose. I'm thinking I should divide once, they die back - would you agree? Generally speaking the big things are to prevent pets and children from stressing it (aka, don't approach it) and to never feed it, leave food out, or offer it food. Great horned owls typically lay their eggs from December through March, according to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission but, wildlife don't always pay attention to our estimates of their behavior. Seeing owls together is always exciting. Is this type of cross-breeding common? is not a grass, and is vulnerable only to non-selective herbicides like glyphosate. Hope this helps and thanks for contacting Extension! If you are seeing evidence of air potato beetles eating non-target plants, please take a few clear photos and send them to me at the contact information found here: I am happy to follow-up with some of our entomology specialists and confirm the species at fault. Good morning Mr. Hemphill, When my wife and I lived in Houston, we put "Dunkin Sticks" (available at Lowes and Home Depot) in the in-ground valve boxes of our sprinkler system to help reduce the number of mosquitoes. Always read and follow label directions. I saw an extremely last flock I believe to be the white pelicans fly over north city in St. Louis, MO April 8, 2020. Basketgrass can be difficult to remove. I have friends, a pediatric hospitalist and an infectious disease specialist who lost their beloved son to this disease. To learn about the different species, watch our webinar recording: Thanks for your question! I wonder if making a haunting wail like a ghost would be effective? Should I report this, or are they becoming so widespread they can be expected anywhere? I'm in St Pete. Just checking would have loved to have known about this..! The adult is beautiful! Use of Insect Growth Regulators (IGRS) in non-natural lakes like ponds and storm water features. I will be checking on their progress and the weeks pass. Sylvia Weigand. Thank you for your comments, I think I will add a "living and loving" basketgrass blog post and if you would like to share some of your photos I would be happy to include them. Kathy, We do offer composting workshops, and hope to have some on our schedule as soon as we are able to get back into public programming. --- Albert Weeks. Please check with the local authorities before applying it to your lakefront. Remember, some firefly populations are only out for a few weeks a year and, some species will flash for 45 minutes or less. Thank you for your comment and encouragement. Hello Doug, You're right in that jumping in the water is not a good way to scare a bear. Please feel free to share the following articles on pruning palms: and This may be a coincidence, but about 3 weeks after the air potato beetles were released on our property, something started to eat the leaves off of our very large beaugainvillea plant that was right where the beetles were released. Thanks for your interest in the program and I am sorry to hear of the damage to your morning glories. We have been here 6 years and the plant had always looked beautiful until these beetles were released. Ferns, bromeliads, Asiatic jasmine, coontie cycad, liriope--all are great alternatives in shady landscapes where basketgrass is not desired. My park in Haines City would love to have a butterfly garden area for the monarchs..will be reserching any sugestions would be appreciated. See their website at :). Otherwise, the lake should be well oxygenated due to persistent agitation from daily sea breezes. We do not have any data showing it to be invasive in central Florida, so unless it is bothersome to you, it doesn't have to be removed. No need to install a raised bed, most of these plants will do well in our soils. Good Day, Looking for name of med. According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, "When nesting, the female stays in the nest hole except for brief dawn and dusk excursions. Best of luck with your midge issues, I truly sympathize with you. I have what seems to be a pair of tiny burrowing owls that have staked out a home in mine and my neighbor's backyard in Sarasota. I do not think there are any air potatoes around here, but there must be if that if the only foliage the beetle can eat. You can call their Wildlife Alert Hotline, here: We've had good results with the beetles released here in Polk County, even with all the rain we've had. It is possible. Are they getting sick? Do Florida burrowing owls lay their eggs inside Underground? Thank you for the kind words, Patricia! Can never keep Cormorants vs. Anhingas straight. However, I would advise you contact FWC and ask if it is OK to approach a new burrow:, Hi Bree, Please help. Avoid rat poison when possible, use other means to eliminate rodent issues like habitat modification and traps. Air potato leaf beetles were tested on all sorts of native and exotic plants commonly used in landscaping, for years, and they have been determined to have no adverse effect to other plant species. I dont know about a red light because when the sun is out they will pretty much cover my red truck. I end up just hand removing as I have time and expand mulched beds--the great thing is that your landscape reflects your personal aesthetic and should be fun and enjoyable. Here is a link to their local "friends" website with some best practices for observing the owls, respectfully. Jane, I'm so sorry to hear about your friends' loss. I had no idea that reducing stress in animals can improve their weight gain, reproductive performance, and ability to resist disease! Hi Abe, :). Do you have recommendtions for types of native Florida grasses or plants that could provide a habitat for the ducks. Thank you for this! For questions related to Florida wildlife which are legal in nature, I recommend you speak with your local FWC office as they will have the authority to issue those permits (if applicable). Hi TJ, Thanks again! Recordings will usually be posted by Friday, the week of the Monday webinar. Are there varieties on the market year that are greening resistant. I have a similar situation with a laurel oak with codominant trucks one of which is over the house. One 16-oz. I encourage you to reach out to the Air Potato Leaf Beetle lab, at the contact information found here: to inquire about getting additional beetles or to ask more specific questions about how the beetles are fairing in your area of Florida. This makes it easier for us to control when you add in other control methods. Access it here: This is a complicated question to answer in a blog post, so I will do my best. Stock insectivorous fish (bluegill, red ear) to biologically control aquatic midges in ponds. --- A quick search of research findings on aeration and midge populations yielded a paper from University of South Florida (1986) that showed an increase in midge larva due to aeration ( I am so glad it was helpful :). Reach out to FWC for clarity -, Hi Joy, There are at least 50 white pelicans on our pond, probably more than that. Interesting stuff to read. As a reminder, I am not fluent in riparian (waterfront) laws of Texas and this is not to be considered legal advice. I live in the diamond village in ufl, and today I used a neti pod filled with tap water (mixed with cold tap water and hot tap water) to irrigate my nasal. You may also have heard me mention an organic crabgrass killer on the program, and the good news is that AgraLawn Crabgrass Control also has a label for basketgrass. The Pinellas Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society is interested in having a speaker at one of our virtual (Zoom) meetings. Good morning, Largemouth bass are predator fish and will hunt these species. Is there something safe I can use? Thanks. thank you for answering at your convenience. Hi Alan, The chances of infection are highest in shallow lakes and ponds during the hottest months of the year. Hi Mary Beth. Please no gylphosate! Best wishes to your little owl family, I hope they have a successful brood! I just moved to gulf breeze Florida from Phoenix Arizona. What an amazing story! All Florida raptors are protected under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act and under Florida law. What an interesting owl behavior. I would put a bat house and improving local bat habitat in the "couldn't hurt" category. You can find more information at the following University of Florida Web sites: If it starts approaching you, your family, if you notice your presence stressing it, or if it begins acting oddly (stumbling, falling, looking ill), I'd recommend you call Florida Fish and Wildlife's Wildlife Alert hotline for advice. Current research suggests that the most prominent cause of firefly decline is light pollution and habitat destruction. Thanks for reading and for your interest in these beautiful creatures; a personal favorite of mine! Known infections indicate that digging in the underwater sediments and participating in recreational activities that can cause a generous amount of water to enter the nose, like water skiing and tubing, can put individuals at a higher risk. Thank you in advance! Does anyone know what they are? Usually, I won't identify a snake via description alone because of the very minute differences in species but this one is pretty distinct. I know UF was working on developing a variety such as this. You can read more, here: Would this be possible? I don't have nor do I want a lawn, so this is ideal! Best wishes for your owl adventures, please feel free to reach out if you have questions! I live in hialeah florida and want to attract owls to my yard. Thanks! Cw: dead bird Any thoughts. There is definitely a lot to take into account when caring for livestock. Enjoy watching them so much Wonder how long they will stay here? Are they attracted to a white house??? Hi Marvin, This gives the wildlife a chance to escape before your dogs enter the space. Let your eyes adjust to the dark, which can take 15-45 minutes, and just observe the vegetation. MB. It's generally safe and helps them learn about invasive species. That is why you are observing it in the shade in your yard, while you see the Bermudagrass in the sun (it prefers sun). I am on Merrit Island and just saw a very large group of white pelicans, and I wanted more information on these beautiful birds. My question is is it safe for horses to eat? Or, try contacting a wildlife specialist at a local zoo or conservation organization. Thank you! I couldn't find anything either, so I consulted with Dr. Marble and wrote this up. 3. I enjoy hunting for natural elements to create Christmas centerpieces for family and friends for gifts. I hope you have found this helpful and I hope to receive an email photo of your little neighbor soon! Avoid spraying generalist insecticides that target flying adults If you have any doubt about whether it is an air potato leaf beetle or a similar looking species, your local UF/IFAS Extension Master Gardener plant clinic may be able to help confirm your identification. This is a fairly common response to avoid attack by a predator, real or perceived. If you need further control, you can consider using herbicide or hiring a landscaping crew to do the work. Whatever mine is, it most always in my shady areas & is spreading like a "bad weed" covering about half of my back yard! This year it seems like it has a resistance to that combination of herbicide. Burrowing owls and their eggs are protected under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty and additionally, they are classified as a State Threatened species by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). We like that it is covering what is typically a dirt patch. The seeds are very small and perhaps you could wipe off your dog's fur before it comes indoors to eliminate any excess ingestion of the seeds. This has helped other residents that have called with a similar issue. (Barrington Hills, Illinois 60010. You can find good photos of it in this publication: As a reminder, the beetles will never eradicate the vine. Perches provide hunting and observation sites for burrowing owls. Check out some info and photos of creeping jenny: It does not kill but is a pre-emergent/preventer. Creeping Jenny is very different. Remember to always select a plant for the site conditions in your yard following the Right Plant, Right Place principle:, You can bring a soil sample to our Plant Clinic and we will conduct a pH test here for $3. I can say that research suggests that risk of infection is much higher when water is consistently above 80F. That said, if you were in Florida, this is what my response would be I agree - they are quite majestic in the air! There are 13 White Pelicans on our lake here. Owlets are often clumsy, poor fliers, and easy to spot. Hi Ryan, you can find online CEUs here: Just wish it grew in sunny areas. I am hoping I will still be able to see this last Mondays recording in Coyotes. We Dont Need Any More Roads. See here: I live in Jacksonville FL and would like to obtain my round up license. If it looks like a burrowing owl but is much larger, 16-24 inches tall, you could be looking at a barred owl. Pamela, Yes the seed stalks are thin and can stick to fur, pants etc. Thank you, Julie Schelb. Joy. Mary Beth Henry. We divided the weeds and lucky me, I picked Basketgrass! They have been here for a couple of months now. Let us know if you have any other questions by contacting the Plant Clinic at 863-519-1041. I apologize for the delayed response. I guess the white pelican squadron many have spotted my resident cormorants and stopped by to feed on the local seafood. This stuff has invaded my yard. My friend owns a farm, and is worried about the amount of animals she has compared to her limited knowledge of how to care for them. Consider reaching out to the local Audubon or Sierra Club groups in South Florida, or nearer to wherever you will be travelling. We were about to hurricane cut the remaining trees. Am I allowed to have rain barrels where I live in Polk county, Hi "student"! Bats are likely eating midges they encounter when they are out looking for flying insects, but midges aren't strong fliers. She has several pairs of Burrowing owls in the front yard. I know I am not supposed to make a "pet" of this owl, but we love having it as a guest. For more information on growing poinsettias, check out these two articles: and That protection extends to their burrows, so the person in question cannot alter, harass, or harm the borrow (or as mentioned, the owls, their eggs, or their young). It's entirely possible you have a different species in your neck of the woods, and I'm not at all familiar with Texas's lake ecology. Great question. We live in Cape Coral, and many of the beautiful palms in the area have been given a "hurricane cut." In other words, we recommend finding a healthy clump of air potato vine and releasing the entire container of beetles (usually 10-15 individuals) at that one clump of vine. The female burrowing owl will usually stay very close to the burrow or inside the burrow until the chicks fledge, or in other words when can leave the nest, which can take up to two weeks. At first we thought one was a fledgling, and the other a parent, but they are both pretty small. If you have prevented the duck from leaving your property, thereby placing it into captivity, yes - there are many restrictions, permits, and laws to consider. Excellent thinking. Thank you for writing this in Spanish. Please add me to the list for the 2019 class. County And State Govts Need To Preserve These Lands For Agriculture. All that said, the CDC strongly recommends the following for water used in nasal rinsing: Having a nest box in the backyard is a wonderful thing, but it's important to remember that wildlife parents are just as, if not more, protective of their young as human parents are. Can you point me out towards that direction? Florida burrowing owls are not nocturnal hunters, like most owls, so he/she may be retreating to their burrow at night. Thank you for writing back and I hope you have a great day! Habitat: This species is shade tolerant and does not tolerate sunny environments very well. As the owner of a Landscaping Company, I am interested in pursuing the Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance (LCLM) Training in order to take the exam for the Limited Certification Landscape Maintenance pesticide license (more commonly called the Caution-labeled or Round-up license). Focus community mosquito treatment on source reduction, or in other words, reduce containers and vessels that can collect standing water to reduce the number of breeding sites for mosquitoes. Thank you they started to work, not enough time. - pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata) A duck showed up on our front porch one day and continues to live in our back yard. Developers And Road Construction Is Destroying Florida. I've just added the link to the post, but here it is: Beautiful sight crossing over Crab Orchard Lake in southern IL this morning. Remember, blind mosquitos are not true mosquitoes. The most reliable place I am familiar with would be in Cape Coral, FL. All the fish species you mentioned live together in natural lakes, they all eat insects. If you need additional assistance and cannot get ahold of the state pesticide certification office ((850) 617-7870), please give us a call at 863-519-1041 and we will try to assist you. Good morning Amanda, We have a large group of white Pelicans here on watts bar lake in Tn. You can read more about this, here: I seen a flock of white Pelicans in Navarre, Florida. I encourage you to reach out to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for more information: Any advice is appreciated. Both feral mallards and muscovy ducks are harmful to our native Florida mottled duck and our other native waterfowl species. It could be a muscovy, but I cannot say with any certainty without photos. Good Morning. It is entirely possible that you saw some air potato leaf beetles, even if you don't think there is any air potato nearby. Florida's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) is the agency in charge of air potato beetles now and you can request beetles online or by phone. I'm trying to decide what kind of owl box I should get and if that would help control the issue we are having before going a different route. Wildlife regularly move and explore different areas depending on the habitat need they are trying to fulfill. Also is there anything that eats/controls the vine that looks like a small leaf grape vine? The smaller mallards seem to find them attractive, and follow them I am unfamiliar with the legality in FL of processing the remains of Raptors. They didn't hoot. Hi John, Hi Pam, Hi Shirley, (863) 519-1041. So, basket grass is free, no maintenance, soft, green, and beautiful. They were flying around the Gulf Breeze Zoo on Wednesday October 7th 2020. Thank you for sharing your Florida lightning bug experience with us! According to Cornell's lab of Ornithology, "Fledged owls remain with parents throughout most of the summer and may be seen begging for food into October, four to five months after leaving the nest." The two vines look incredibly similar and can be difficult to differentiate for a lot of people. What are the liabilities involved in untying the boat from my dock? with instructions on how to place for best results? The midges lay their eggs in the water, from which larvae hatch out of the eggs and live in the lake sediments. They spend most of their time in dark, moist areas of leaf litter, under log or rocks, etc. We are located around Lithia, FL and have about 7 acres and the back of our property is another pasture with rescue horses and cattle. It seems that we have mottled ducks and mallards interbreeding frequently in our Tampa neighborhood; the resulting next generation are everything from what look like male mallards lacking the brilliant head/neck colors, to females with characteristics of both species. Gambusia are small insectivorous fish which may help by eating the blind mosquito larvae but for effective control in a stormwater pond, you'll likely need to combine it with landscaping changes and chemical management as well. Thank You, John Watts. I hope this is helpful and I'm glad your beetles were so effective last year! We have basketgrass growing in a shady part of our back yard. After reading this, I'll have to recommend that she find a livestock agent in her area that can help her manage and treat the problems that can so negatively affect the animals and the overall agriculture. The incubation period is 27-34 days for Eastern Screech owls, so enjoy her presence while she's there. Hi Conrad, If you cannot find these plants locally, perhaps the nursery can order them for you. Essentially, these insects are attracted to light. I actually WANT basketgrass! Just found a young owl (owlet ) in my garden. I just spoke with one of our researchers in the Entomology and Nematology Department and they indicated that the color of the light wouldn't make much of an difference unless it was a red light. There is a lot of information on individual butterfly species at the following web site: UF/IFAS recommends glyphosate products as a tool in your toolbox of weed control measures. Thank you for your help in making a dream come true. Good luck--basketgrass is a tricky weed to control! The risk of anything can never be zero, so, if you are concerned I strongly suggest getting the opinion of a medical professional. 1. Of course we are doing all we can think of for him but my husband seems skeptical that I am correct about the cause and has not gotten aggressive with eradicating. Do they use pesticides in the grass? There are some generalizations you can make between species, but it's better to try and identify the species of owl before looking at nestboxes to purchase. There are barn owl boxes available commercially, but if you buy one, find one that looks similar to the DIY version for the best chance of attracting an owl. The key for identifying greening is "blotchy mottle" on the leaves. Thank you again for your interest in the program and for keeping an eye on the little guys. As a wild animal, you should not be feeding it or approaching it. I hope this is helpful, thanks for reading! I hope your son feels better soon, if he doesn't already, and I am so glad to know you found my post and reply helpful. Brown and white body feathers and orange feet. Unfortunately, they also decimated my moon flower, native morning glories and other varieties of morning glory vines. We aren't connected with the beetle rearing lab, so unfortunately, I can't help much. You may need a LOT of mosquito protection measures, if you have access to a small portable screen room, that may be the most comfortable option. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that even a large colony of bats would be able to control a booming midge population. We plan to offer Master Gardener Volunteer Training in the summer/fall of 2021. Please remember that the label is the law and you must not apply it any in any does other than the recommended dose, per label instructions. The beetles currently exist in the wild, so it's not something the lab will continue to supply forever. A bit goofy in the water, but what pelican isn't? What is Basket Hi Frank, A challenge to say the least. I cannot identify any plant or wildlife via description alone as it would be irresponsible. I hope this is helpful; thanks for reading! My recommendations would be a combination approach. Because of the covid19 will they extend my deadline for renewal? If so, what are the guidelines? The most important thing to be aware of is the processing your water goes through. A 2-3 inch layer of organic mulch should be applied over the area. The purpose of this final stage is to mate, so they are a species that tends to emerge as a mass group. It is mainly found in shaded, mesic deciduous forests. Hey Shannon, The male has lived in this Eureka Palm cluster for many months and was joined by mama and fledglings this week. My lawn is challenging because part of it srays so sunny it will grow bermudagrass, the other part so shady (under HUGE black-ear trees) it just grows this basketgrass. There isnt much in the way or scientific literature on this issue since most people are pretty excited to have an owl nearby. Thank you for the reminder! I hope this information is helpful, Alan. As a direct quote from FWC's website, "This means that taking, possessing, or selling burrowing owls, their nests (i.e., burrows), or eggs is prohibited without a permit (68A-27 F.A.C.)." I do nature photography. Yale Rutstein.\, Melbourne Village I think it's very unsightly and certainly not needed. You can find their contact information here:, We wonder why some 30 ducks for the summer have left the nearby pond here in Sarasota. to be independent by round 6 weeks of age. Could you contact me directly to possibly confirm this? Is it legal for me to keep the bones and feathers of this owl? The early symptoms of Naegleria fowleri infection are similar to those caused by other more common illnesses, such as bacterial meningitis . The instructions are detailed in the blog post under, "How to request beetles for your property." We live in the north Deltona area and have a wooded area behind our house that has been invaded by the potato vine. Cane Toads in Florida", A Note on Your Irrigation System Post-Hurricane,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission,,, Fledged owls remain with parents throughout most of the summer and may be seen begging for food into October, four to five months after leaving the nest. Hi David, See the above comment where I shared this information regarding glyphosate. I used my Tap water for a nasal sinus irrigation about thirteen days ago in Orlando FL Orange County, I started getting a headache and are freaked out that I may have gotten this amoeba since I researched it, probably over reacting but I am still terrified. Ferns, bromeliads, Asiatic jasmine, coontie cycad, liriope -- all are great in. Eureka Palm cluster for many months and was joined by mama and this... 863 ) 519-1041 are greening resistant habitat: this species is shade tolerant does... Reproductive performance, and many of the eggs and live in Jacksonville FL and would like to my... For many months and was joined by mama and fledglings this week hoping I will be checking their! Have spotted my resident cormorants and stopped by to feed on the market year that are greening resistant couple. Office a call, they can let you know what is available that risk of infection is higher. Who lost their beloved son to this disease cover my red truck hey basket grass killer, the will! 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