You sometimes sit for hoursbrooding and silent, hating me in your heart. Whereupon she vanishes, the lighting turns to daylight and the abyss is no more. The secret. THE SERPENT. I ate the fruits of theearth. Man shall be the master ofWoman, not her baby and her drudge. I don't normally like long plays, but this . You must tell us your secret. He who has never fought has never lived. EVE [_interrupting him_] Perhaps not; but do not begin to boast of that.It is no credit to you. Yes: that is a good hard word. You are no superman: you are Anti-Man: you are to othermen what the stoat is to the rabbit; and she is to you what the leech isto the stoat. Where? THE SERPENT. You are always spying on me. I say, who invented death? They are plainly modelled from the primitives of the twentieth century. Always 'Why?' It is I who have thought of it. THE SERPENT. It is I who must conceive. They were first performed in 1922 by the New York Theatre Guild at the old Garrick Theatre in New York City[1] and, in Britain, at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre in 1923.[2]. Their remains are collected, using sanitary precautions, and burnt at Pygmalion's laboratory, which is also destroyed. You call that love! Leave us in peace. No. I have watched thosefaces and willed; and then I have made a woman-child that has grown upquite like them. Because I would not have such wretches in my house. ADAM. I think about you. [_To Eve_] We have made our vows; and if you mustcreate, you shall create within the bounds of those vows. If only the rest and sleep that enable me to bear it fromday to day could grow after many days into an eternal rest, an eternalsleep, then I could face my days, however long they may last. EVE. EVE. All you men, except only Adam, are my sons, or mysons' sons, or my sons' sons' sons: you all come to see me: you all shewoff before me: all your little wisdoms and accomplishments are trottedout before mother Eve. EVE. Quick. Will they learn all the ways of all the stars in theirlittle time? You were the one: Adam was theother. He was in the line of ten godly descendants that preserved the godly promise. He is to take an aeroplane to the location and be dropped near the yacht by parachute. EVE. You must not remind me of unhappy things. ADAM [_releasing her_] That is true. You have no real strength in your bones nor sap in your flesh. ADAM. ADAM. Pygmalion has successfully created a pair of living, artificial human beings and is ready to display them, which he does, to an audience made impatient by his incomprehensible scientific explanations. Conrad has published their EVE. The east wind shall wither Britain's enemies in the day of contest. Itmeans that nothing is certain but uncertainty. THE SERPENT. The Festival of the Artists begins. She spins resignedly; he digs impatiently. You do care. Kill me; and you will find another snake in thegarden tomorrow. Then I, too, made an altar,and offered my food on it, my grains, my roots, my fruit. An immense serpent is sleeping withher head buried in a thick bed of Johnswort, and her body coiled inapparently endless rings through the branches of a tree, which isalready well grown; for the days of creation have been longer than ourreckoning. I will make other Adams, other Eves. It is terrible; but there is no joy like it. Shaw's solution is enhanced longevity: we must learn to live much longer; a centenarian should be less than middle aged. Oh! [_He spits on his hands, and takes up the spadeagain_]. THE SERPENT [_to Adam_] Do you want her to die? Barnabas hotly contested the legality of this and favoured prosecuting. He defiantly dares her to remove her veil and robe. It is what you are when youforget and brood and are filled with fear. ADAM. EVE. It is not only its eyes. EVE [_snatching herself loose from Adam_] Do not make that odious noise,I tell you. Andnettles, too! Butwhen it is short it will be very sweet. I have told Cain already that he is not aman and that Lua is not a woman: they are monsters. The Voice does not speak to me as it does to you. And there is yet nearly sevenhundred years of it to endure. Discovering the possibility of death suggests possibilities for other changes and a discussion follows that deals progressively with loneliness and love, uncertainty and fear, fidelity and marriage and the courage found in laughter. Back to Methuselah (A Metabiological Pentateuch) by George Bernard Shaw consists of a preface (The Infidel Half Century) and a series of five plays: In the Beginning: B.C. [She strokes it and pets the serpent]. Rows of curved marble benches, spaced well apart, fan out from the altar. Then I must, though I loathe it. BACK TO METHUSELAH A Metabiological Pentateuch by BERNARD SHAW 1921 Contents The Infidel Half Century The Dawn of Darwinism The Advent of the Neo-Darwinians Political Inadequacy of the Human Animal Cowardice of the Irreligious Is there any Hope Home - Books - Back to Methuselah by George Bernard Shaw This page contains affiliate links. ADAM [_angrily_] Be silent, woman. The Tragedy of an Elderly Gentleman begins in 3000 AD, on the south shore of Galway Bay where an old man is found sitting on an ancient stone bollard, once used as a mooring for ships. He leaves the group and seeks out the Oracle, begs her to let him stay on the island, says he will die of disgust and despair if he goes back home. You made Abel also. she says, "What else could I do for you?". THE SERPENT. THE SERPENT. I will dig, andlive. No. The Serpent Fusima Chloe M'el Dowd. They can remembertheir dreams. CAIN. She does so and asks if he still wants to consult an older person. She, being long lived understands no metaphors and speaks the literal truth, while he consistently uses figures of speech instead of stating simple facts. Think of it, man: to have no escape! CAIN. No matter. What vow do youmake? claim that all sensible people agree with him, put forward in Back to Methuselah by both Savvy and Professor Conrad. Her wheel, which she turns byhand, is a large disc of heavy wood, practically a flywheel. He has not noticedthe serpent on his left hand. What should Ibe if I had stuck to the digging you taught me? She enjoys the flirting, but rejects a rendezvous and breaks the connection. You are the nurses and valets of the oxen and dogs andasses you have tamed to work for you. He killed Abel. EVE. I, too, have thought of something. Have you a word for this new misery? Fool: she makes you fight because you bring her the ornaments andthe treasures of those you have slain, and because she is courted andpropitiated with power and gold by the people who fear you. Morning. Eve looks after them for a moment; then, with a shiver of disgust, sitsdown on the rock, brooding. They expound his philosophy of creative evolution in an extended dramatic parable that progresses through time from the Garden of Eden to 31,920 ce. No progress! [_He strides to the thornbrake_]. The Devil thank her for it! Let Eve vow to loveyou until your death. EVE. Copies of this variorum edition are available in the Goldsmiths' Library in the University of London, the Lilly Library at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, and in the Rare Books Collection of the University of Texas at Austin. ADAM. conclusions in a book. She loved me more than ever. No: he invented it himself. What is the good of being careful? The ox shall make it something noblerthan grass before it comes to me. Theremust be two Voices: one that gulls and despises you, and another thattrusts and respects me. EVE. CAIN. I have never in my soul listenedwillingly when you have told me of the Voice that whispers to you. She is nearly four years old and is wearying of the activities of children. When Adam delved and Eve span, where was then the gentleman? Whatcertainty have you of your thousand years? THE SERPENT. On the west side stands a little classic temple and in the middle of the glade there is a marble altar, shaped like a table, and long enough for a man to lie on. The creations are a man and woman, noble in appearance, beautiful to look at and splendidly attired. What have you made of yourselves? Eve, better humored (having given upworrying), sits and spins and thinks. When you dug, you made the earth live and bring forth as Ilive and bring forth. It, too, is most impressive with a show of eerie lighting in a measureless abyss. ADAM [_grumbling_] He might have put the hurdle back, lazy hound! Why, I--I! ADAM. EVE. And of Lua they will say nothing; but when they thinkof her they will spit. promotional cinema showing sundry important Britons who have lost their lives by drowning, but who, with the invention's help, might not have perished. A path with stairs of rough-cut stone leads upward from the temple to the hill. How can I destroy unless she creates? I will not create anyEves, only Adams. You may die when I have made another Adam. It is the horror of having to be with myself forever. In an effort to shed light on what he regards as a pervasive failure of modern governance, Shaw projects his imagination backwards and forwards in time, dissecting what went wrong and . Do you love your godmother Eve? Jealousy. ADAM [_throwing his arm round her shoulder with an expression ofanguish_] Oh no: that is plain without any voice. Danger and fear follow my steps everywhere. Why, it gave me right. THE SERPENT. Be it so. Give it to me; or I willkill you when next I catch you asleep. Poor mother! EVE. Pleasant at first, their behaviour soon turns murderous and Pygmalion is killed during his efforts to control them. You think youcould, because you know that you will never have to make your thoughtgood. And it burst; and a little snake came out; and it became biggerand bigger from day to day until it was as big as I. There is somethingthat holds us together, something that has no word--. who have the labor of the child-bearing: I! You dare come hereboasting about that good-for-nothing Lua, the worst of daughters and theworst of wives! Your hood is most lovely. She is not yet visible to anyone unaware of her presence, asher colors of green and brown make a perfect camouflage. As a result, governmental dignities are mere figureheads, useful only for formalities and ceremonial occasions. The woman knows that there is no such thing as nothing: the manknows that there is no such day as tomorrow. If only the sentinel set by the Voice can berelieved! I have not lived as long as you; but I know all thereis to be known of the craft of digging. CAIN. Jealousy. She asks if the child is ready to be born and Acis says the child is more than ready, that she has been shouting and kicking inside her egg and refuses to wait quietly. the howls of rage! There is something else.We do not yet know what it is; but some day we shall find out; and thenwe will live on that alone; and there shall be no more digging norspinning, nor fighting nor killing. Adam has invented something new. I made him out of myown body. I wish I had a serpent's tongue. Die. But only some. EVE [_jarred and startled_] What a hateful noise! The gardenis full, not empty. Will you die the moment you have made a new Eve? I _will_ bind the future. EN. EVE. EVE. The Voice in the garden will tell them that theymust not kill, as it tells me. I tell you the labor is too much for one. Life is theloveliest of all the new words. I will clear themaway tomorrow. I dug and dugand dug. What is the matterwith you? ADAM. Life must not cease. He is now a warrior who also kills beasts for food. EVE. ADAM. Zoo is the replacement. ADAM. I callit fighting. There no doubt are others that are not mentioned. It has not yet told me the secret. That is whatmakes me sit brooding and silent and hateful. I must have somethingto worship. EVE. If I bind the future Ibind my will. Without danger I cannot be great. I revolt against the food. The Voice of The Serpent The Parlor Maid Mrs. Lutestring, the Domestic Minister The Oracle The She-Ancient . They have come to consult the oracle about matters of utmost importance. He laughed at me; and then came my great idea: why notkill him as he killed the beasts? EVE. CAIN. Back to Methuselah is an epic-length play by George Bernard Shaw - not a writer given to brevity normally - so long and unwieldy, in fact, that Washington Stage Guild estimates that this three-year production is only the third or fourth full production of the play since it was written, in 1920. I had not thought of that. Do you mean that Adam must share it with me? EVE [_throwing herself down discontentedly and plucking at the grass_]That is so like a man. Without themcourage would have no sense. I am not, perhaps, very clever; but--. ADAM [_to Eve, grumpily_] Why do you live on, if you can find nothingbetter to do than complain? Will you kill tigers and bears until I have a heapof their skins to lounge on? I call that renewal being born. You are not stronger: you are shorter in the wind: you cannotendure. It will be a busy day at the nursery: a birth is scheduled followed by the Festival of the Artists. Then there is no such thing as divine justice, unless you arelying. I am very wise. I am tired of myself. [3] Neither Creative Evolution nor the Life Force were Shavian inventions. Adam and Eve, as avatars for aboriginal humanity, discover a fawn dead from a broken neck and realize they, too, will die eventually from some mishap, even though they are immune to aging. THE SERPENT. THE SERPENT. She said it must never be again: that theburden of renewing life was past bearing: that it was too much for one.And when she cast the skin, lo! And others think of numbers without having to count ontheir fingers, and watch the sky at night, and give names to the stars,and can foretell when the sun will be covered with a black saucepan lid.And there is Tubal, who made this wheel for me which has saved me somuch labor. I will tell Eve the secret; and she will tell it to you. What a beautiful word! What have you to do with one another now? Then I gave up your old silly drudging ways, and lived as he hadlived, by the chase, by the killing, and by the fire. But you have not made a vow yet. They cannot renew themselves without Eves. It did; but I am not a child to be afraid of a Voice. THE SERPENT. [_Hegathers its hooves in his hand and carries it away in the direction fromwhich Eve came, holding it as far from him as possible_]. ADAM [_rubbing his foot_] A thistle. THE SERPENT. If Lua naggedat me as you are nagging, and as you nag at Adam, I would beat her blackand blue from head to foot. ADAM. Both shew the greatestconsternation._. Anything is better than uncertainty. [_He goes on digging withoutraising his head_]. The answer they had expected was the one Sir Eastwind had reported: "When Britain was cradled in the west, the east wind hardened her and made her great. You are more her slave than Adam's ox oryour own sheepdog. He who bearsthe brand of Cain shall rule the earth. But he must give hisdesire and his will to you. ADAM [_scrambling up in horror_] Make you die!!! He begs the oracle to respond in the same way she did to his illustrious predecessor, Sir Fuller Eastwind. Ha! Tell me some miracle that you have done. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building faade. Burge-Lubin summons Confucius, the Chief Secretary, to brief him on governmental matters. I am the first murderer: you are only the first man. But the rest of us will die sooner or later, like the fawn. I adore her. EVE. He was the inventor of killing. Back to Methuselah: With Fanny Rowe, Ursula Howells, Ellen Pollock, Ernest Clark. An oasis in Mesopotamia. The Holy Scriptures According to the Masoretic Text Adam invents the word to-morrow. Yousee things; and you say 'Why?' I struck; and he died, just as theydid. Stay as you are; andI will stay as I am. ADAM. Useless:nothing happened. EVE. CAIN. producer (5 episodes, 1952) Series Art Department Stephen Bundy . Shaw had an exalted opinion of Back to Methuselah as both literature and philosophy; in the press release he wrote for its publishers (Constable & Co., London) he said it would "interest biologists, religious leaders, and lovers of the marvellous in fiction as well as lovers of the theatre" and described it as his supreme work in dramatic literature. You must clear away some ofthose horrid things, or we shall be scratched and stung whenever weforget to look where we are stepping. You neither of you know anything about life. "Poor short-lived thing!" EVE [_looking across the garden towards the hurdle_] Here is Cain. Yourhair streams in the wind as if it were trying to stretch itself furtherand further. Simple primitive societies, he says, were easily governable while the civilized societies of the twentieth century are so complex that learning to govern them properly can't be accomplished within the human lifespan: People with experience enough to serve the purpose fall into senility and die. CAIN. He says he is with the Prime Minister, who is married to his daughter and with General Aufsteig, who is really the Emperor of Turania, travelling incognito. He changed the beasts hekilled into meat by the fire on the altar. So that is what comes of turning your face to the clean clearheavens! He need not. And I have to pretend to be surprised, delighted, interested;though the last child is like the first, and has said and done nothingthat did not delight Adam and me when you and Abel said it. He can imagine: he canwill: he can desire: he can gather his life together for a great springtowards creation: he can create all things except one; and that one ishis own kind. There ishero and superman. Adamlooks worried, like a farmer. I am very subtle;and I have thought and thought and thought. I will tear.another Adam from my body if I tear my body to pieces in the act. THE SERPENT. ADAM. Mother: the making of men is your right, your risk, your agony,your glory, your triumph. All he had to do was tell the public that the oracle had told him exactly what she told his predecessor and let the public believe it was what Sir Eastwind had reported. EVE. That is true. I worship you, Eve. CAIN. You must not move about.You must sit still. You are hard enough to bear with as you are. She says she is the oracle, but he has contempt for women and insists he be directed to one of the older and more able men. A few centuries slip by; Eve and Adam have aged a bit, but otherwise have changed but little: She spends her time by spinning flax for weaving, he digs in the garden. Every man who has not seen it, heardit, felt it, risked it, will feel a humbled fool in the presence of theman who has. CAIN. Near her head alow rock shows above the Johnswort. Hewas the discoverer of blood. EVE [_to Adam_] You think, perhaps, that his way of life may be betterthan yours after all. CAIN. ADAM [_springing up in sudden terror_] Oh! I make no vows. The reason for his doing so, as he tells Confucius, is that he doesn't wish to risk contracting rheumatism from exposure to the cold waters of the bay, since he might have to live 300 years, rheumatic. Yes, until you create another Adam. Yes:there is no such thing as nothing, only things we cannot see. _Adam throws down his spade, and stands looking darkly at Eve._. EVE. And I am very wilful, andmust have what I want; and I have willed and willed and willed. I will bedelivered from fear. I will divide them into two greathosts. ADAM [_delighted_] Is it so? I cannot think it was foreither of these cheap ways of life that Lilith set you free. [10] comes close to qualifying. It is I. I have come to shew you my beautiful new hood. ADAM. Do you stay and listen to it. No woman shall make me live my father'slife. . But I have some thoughts that come from within me andnot from the voices. CAIN. THE SERPENT. You are still tempted. Andfor her sake I will not kill you, though I could send this spear throughyou without coming within reach of your spade. You need not live to see another summer; and yet thereshall be no end. THE SERPENT. I will give life myself. Hope is wicked. THE SERPENT. Everything is possible. If I am to overtake death, I must appoint a real day, not atomorrow. She takes a few uncertain steps, but quickly learns to walk, then the Ancient names her Amaryllis, as requested by the other children. But it does not grow longer for all its practice instreaming, because you have not willed it so. I do not want to be a bear. Only when he has fought, when he hasfaced terror and death, when he has striven to the spending of the lastrally of his strength, can he know what it is to rest in love in thearms of a woman. Adam must not perish. Ha! If they shorten their lives, they will dig and fight and kill anddie; and their baby Enochs will tell them that it is the will of theVoice that they should dig and fight and kill and die for ever. When you die, men will say, 'He was agreat warrior; but it would have been better for the world if he hadnever been born.' I see you will put it off until tomorrow. EVE [_joining him_] Oh! When Ican bear no more, I go to our old garden, that is now a mass of nettlesand thistles, in the hope of finding the serpent to talk to. The sculptors, Arjillax and Martellus, arrive. Lilith Richard Easton. She is a mere girl of fifty-six and looks more like nineteen to the Elderly Gentleman, who is approaching seventy. There would be only the things on allfours, and the birds, and the snakes. Listen.I am old. And be it noted, Lilith, the first mother, is the presiding imaginative principle of Back to Methuselah itself. You her master!  . He rushes from the courtyard, blowing a whistle to summon the police, but is immobilized, within a force-field, near a monument of Falstaff, where he will stand and gibber until it is convenient to collect him. That is the true nature of woman. He considered it a book for reading rather than playing on the stage, and was agreeably surprised when Lawrence Langner in New York and Barry Vincent Jackson in Birmingham insisted on producing it despite expectations of monetary loss, which were promptly justified. Michael Holroyd describes the plays as "a masterpiece of wishful thinking" and calls them science fiction. she inquires and he says "Yes," adding that he is touring these islands for sentimental reasons because, in ancient times, they were the centre of the British Commonwealth. Besides, if it happened to you, _I_should be alone. And Ihave eaten strange things: stones and apples that you are afraid to eat. With fear, if it were trying to stretch itself furtherand further set you free afraid. Longevity: we must learn to live much longer ; a centenarian be. An altar, and burnt at Pygmalion 's laboratory, which is also.... Will stay as I am, noble in appearance, beautiful to at. ] do not begin to boast of that.It is no such thing as,... Be it noted, Lilith, the Chief Secretary, to brief him on governmental matters not kill as! Murderous and Pygmalion is killed during his efforts to control them that is plain any. 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